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App Design Tips and Trends for 2021 Thu, 01 Apr 2021 13:00:14 +0000 The post App Design Tips and Trends for 2021 appeared first on Crafted..

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Top App Design Trends to Look Out for in 2021 Mon, 15 Mar 2021 13:00:07 +0000 The post Top App Design Trends to Look Out for in 2021 appeared first on Crafted..

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10 Common UI/UX Mistakes In Mobile App Design Fri, 20 Nov 2020 20:07:43 +0000 The post 10 Common UI/UX Mistakes In Mobile App Design appeared first on Crafted..

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5 ways you can improve mobile app user experience Fri, 17 Jul 2020 19:28:53 +0000 The post 5 ways you can improve mobile app user experience appeared first on Crafted..

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10 Ways You Can Improve Mobile App User Experience Fri, 17 Jul 2020 18:16:44 +0000 The post 10 Ways You Can Improve Mobile App User Experience appeared first on Crafted..

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When Should You Develop an App for Your Business? Fri, 02 Aug 2019 16:40:19 +0000 The post When Should You Develop an App for Your Business? appeared first on Crafted..

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Using AI to Develop Better App User Experience Wed, 22 May 2019 16:15:50 +0000 The post Using AI to Develop Better App User Experience appeared first on Crafted..

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Basic Principles of Material Design Mon, 17 Dec 2018 18:07:12 +0000 Ever since Google spoke about it in their ‘Google I/O 2014 Keynote’, material design has gained attention worldwide. Today, it isn’t hard to come across designers who apply it not only to their Android projects but also to their other web-bound projects. Google’s keynote presentation has already been viewed over a million times, and it […]

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Ever since Google spoke about it in their ‘Google I/O 2014 Keynote’, material design has gained attention worldwide. Today, it isn’t hard to come across designers who apply it not only to their Android projects but also to their other web-bound projects.

Google’s keynote presentation has already been viewed over a million times, and it is still treated as the key resource for understanding everything we need to about material design. 

Material design has one goal – to offer users a consistent experience among multiple devices without causing any confusion. In terms of principles, it borrows heavily from print design. It aims to render the physical characteristics of paper into a digital medium, making it possible for an application or website to replicate those characteristics. Like paper, a material design interface can change size and shape.

But, material is only that part which is contained within the application. Any content outside of it isn’t.

The final objective here is portability across platforms with an emphasis on user-initiated actions, such as touch and motion. For example, when an element is touched, it can deliver a digital magnetic reaction, which allows for a perfect transition between the ripples and the reaction itself, instead of delivering two individual images.

Now, before we explore the principles of material design, it is best to determine whether you actually need it. Of course, as always, the answer to a question like this isn’t straightforward or simple. It ultimately boils down to your exact need and circumstance.

But, there is one thing we can all agree on, and that is, great design offers both functionality and uniqueness. Needless to say, the former quality is of the utmost priority. We all know aesthetics is pointless if functionality is compromised.

So, when considering adapting material design, we must first see it from the perspective of our goals. What is it that we are looking to achieve here? To put it simply, is material design likely to play a key role in helping you reach your end goals?

If your answer is, we can begin exploring its principles.

Know Your Key Resource

To really understand material design, you will have to start by looking at Google’s official resource. This resource is updated in a timely fashion and hosts all the information you need to build material design.

The Google material design resource isn’t platform specific either. It focuses on more than just the Android-specific stuff. So, you basically have access to information concerning all aspects of material design, discussed in the context of projects in general.

So, start by studying the first few chapters of the resource to get well-acquainted with the basic principles.

Understand What ‘Material’ Is

The term material design isn’t something that just got conjured up. The very idea behind material design is to create designs that mimic the real world to a particular level of generalization. You obviously do not something overwhelming, where there is no difference between the real world and the one on the screen. The goal is only to express the concept of material.

You see, we all know what ‘material’ is. We know what something feels like even before we touch it. We know what cloth feels like, what metal feels like, or what wood feels like. We can even process multiple layers, i.e. a piece of cloth over another object or paper over an object.

So, with material design, it’s all about using the apt strategies to communicate the same hierarchy of elements. The main thing to remember is that you have to do all this with the most basic design tools, such as shades or shadows.

Don’t Ignore Primary and Accent Color

The best way to adhere to this principle is to select three hues for your primary palette and one color to serve as the accent. The primary colors are obviously for the main elements of the overall interface. This typically includes fonts, boxes. Fields, and backgrounds.

The accent color is the accent color. Its duty is to offer a certain advantage when the main element is being displayed on the screen.

One more thing to remember here is that your accent color needs to be of a higher contrast than the primary colors.

Be Smart with Whitespace

As stated earlier, print design is the foundation on which material design rests. As a result, they happen to share very similar principles. Just like it is with print design, whitespace plays a major role in any kind of material design. It allows improvements with regard to typography and also, layout text.

Whitespace is actually a very important tool when it comes to creating focus and grabbing attention. So, keep things to a minimum and increase the amount of whitespace. Use large typography for the primary headings and don’t think twice about leaving empty spaces in your design.

Embrace Motion

Google believes that motion adds more meaning to design.

So, when incorporating material design, do not ignore motion as a key component. As humans, we experience motion in our daily lives. Motion allows us to develop a perception regarding how things function and where we need to focus.

The same principle applies to material design, and that’s why motion plays a major role here in boosting interaction. When motion is used, users gain a better perspective of the design’s usability.

There are different elements that can be leveraged to create motion. For instance, when a user carries out an action, you can try to animate the reaction to indicate that the action will deliver the expected results and that the input has been received.

Use the Colors Provided in Images for Image Centered Design

Google suggests extracting colors from chosen images and adding them to the palette. There’s plenty of reasoning behind this, and it would be hard not to agree with the tech-giant. When we use the same colors, we create consistency, which is the primary goal of material design.

There is a strong sense of uniformity with the same color schemes, allowing users to recognize and relate immediately.

Looking to learn more about material design? Get in touch with Us.

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Native Apps or Web Apps: What Does Your Business Need Fri, 14 Sep 2018 16:16:02 +0000 The fact that businesses need apps today is indisputable. So, we aren’t going to discuss that. However, what we are going to discuss is what kind of app works best for your business. You see, we generally work with two types of apps – the native app and the web app. Now, before we go […]

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The fact that businesses need apps today is indisputable. So, we aren’t going to discuss that. However, what we are going to discuss is what kind of app works best for your business. You see, we generally work with two types of apps – the native app and the web app.

Now, before we go into which one of these is ideal for your business, let’s first get ourselves introduced to each type of app.

Native Mobile Apps

Native mobile apps are what you’re thinking of when you hear the word “app”. The term “native” here simply refers to the fact that these apps work within a native environment i.e. they work on a specific platform.

These platforms are nothing but the mobile operating systems that we commonly use, such as Apple’s iOS and Google’s Android. So, to cut a long story short, native apps are the apps that are designed exclusively to work on our smartphones.

The main benefit of these apps is that they offer an optimized user experience. Since they are designed purely for a given platform, they work in sync with that particular platform. There are very few compromises being made.

However, if you’re looking to tap into a customer base that’s not limited to one particular platform, you’re going to have problems with native apps. For instance, if you have customers on both, iOS and Android, you will have to build two different versions of the app. This can be a problem if you have a tight budget. Plus, if you limit yourself to a single platform, you’ll end up missing out on a chunk of your target audience.

Web Apps

A web app is one that doesn’t have to be installed on a phone and isn’t limited to a specific platform. These apps are accessible via a web browser. So, in a way, accessing these apps is like accessing a website. In fact, you can even argue that these apps are basically websites.

Web apps are developed using programming languages such as CSS, HTML5, and Javascript etc. Though they may look like websites, they are far more optimized and offer, more or less, the same user experience as native apps.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Native Apps

Now, let’s look at the advantages and disadvantages of having either of these apps.

With native apps, as we discussed earlier, you have the benefit of an optimized user experience. The app will work just the way it should on your phone. This includes a well-developed interface, great speed, high-quality graphics, and a host of other features that match the functionality offered by your OS, be it Android or iOS.

Native apps are also easier to distribute because you have specific marketplaces such as Google’s Play Store and Apple’s App Store. So, it’s easier to reach out to a wider audience. In fact, you might even get free promotions if your app does well.

Native apps can also offer certain functions offline.

As for disadvantages, native apps are limited to specific platforms. You will have to build one for each platform that you’re targeting. This can prove to be quite expensive. Though there are cross-platform tools, they only work if your app offers very simplistic functionalities.

Having two versions of the same app brings in other problems as well. For instance, updating, bug tracking, and general maintenance can become very complex.

Native apps also have to be installed on the device’s storage unit, which means the user will have to ensure that there is enough space. This can be a deal breaker at times.

Finally, updates are controlled by the user. So, improved versions may not be delivered at the right time, which can lead to abandonment or dissatisfaction.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Web Apps

To begin with, web apps have no need for installation. You can access them with just an internet connection and a good internet browser.

They are already developed to work across multiple platforms, so you have a single version to deal with. This can save money and time.

Maintenance and updates are done on the developer’s end, which means the latest version is what users will have access to at all times.

Finally, since the app doesn’t have to be distributed via a marketplace, you don’t have to worry about third-party agreements or terms of service.

However, there are disadvantages too. For starters, Users will have to remain online to access all functionalities. Of course, you do have HTML5 which permits application caching. So, access to previously visited pages is possible. But, then again, this is still not much of a solution.

Finally, since the app doesn’t have to be distributed via a marketplace, you don’t have to worry about third-party agreements or terms of service.

However, there are disadvantages too. For starters, Users will have to remain online to access all functionalities. Of course, you do have HTML5 which permits application caching. So, access to previously visited pages is possible. But, then again, this is still not much of a solution.

Then, there’s the issue of optimization. Mobile apps are not optimized for a specific device or OS. So, they may work exceptionally well on some devices and not so well on others.

You also have greater problems in terms of security. There are several vulnerabilities that affect sites and these same vulnerabilities affect web apps as well.

Finally, all the data is stored on a server. This leads to more queries, which, in turn, leads to greater server loads.

The Decision

The decision of which type of app is better ultimately boils down to what your business specifically requires. For instance, if your requirement is high-quality graphics and an optimized user experience, native apps are your best bet. You cannot rival them when it comes to performance and speed either.

However, web apps are great if you’re looking to reach out to a wider audience. Since they aren’t limited to a specific platform, this is possible. Web apps are also good for processing voluminous data.

So, sit down and work out your actual requirements. Once you have a really good idea of what your business needs, it becomes easier to determine which of these apps is perfect for you.

But, if you’re still confused, we at Crafted might be able to help. We’re a professional app development firm that has worked with multiple clients. We can help you figure out what’s best for the business.

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